Alba's 1st Birthday Party

by Papa Ngai Sunday, November 04, 2012

Alba's first year has come and gone all too quickly. In a couple of days, she'll turn 1. For the convenience of everybody, Mama Ngai organised for Alba's birthday party to be yesterday (03/11/2012) so that it falls on a Saturday. Although Alba won't remember this day, I hope that when she's old enough to read this post she'll look back on the many photos that Uncle Andy and others took and smile, knowing how many guests were there to celebrate with her. Alba, also remember how much your mummy loves you to have organised so much for you. Although the wet weather meant that we couldn't have the party at the original location (Holroyd Gardens Park), it was still a lot of trouble for mummy to rush up and down from our apartment on her own birthday! I hope you'll also be happy to know that daddy was the one to hold your little hand as you cut open your first ever Birthday cake (a generous gift by Auntie Queenie).

Alba Learns to Crawl

by Papa Ngai Monday, September 17, 2012

Wow, it's been a hectic couple of months and it seems myself and Mama Ngai have been too busy/lazy to post!

The bad news, no photo to go with this post.

The good news, last week Alba learnt to crawl!

It doesn't seem like much, and it's probably a little late (better late than never though, right?), but Mama Ngai was understandably very excited!

Hmm, it does now mean that Papa Ngai has to think about even more safety precautions around the apartment (like sealing off those stairs!).

Mama Ngai is Sick!

by Papa Ngai Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Long time no post. Time seems to be flying by so quickly, and along with the flying time Alba Ngai is also growing up too quickly! Sometimes Papa Ngai wishes that little Alba could continue to be a happy little baby forever.

Mama Ngai was very sick today (most likely caught the flu from taking little Alba to visit various childcare centres), so Papa Ngai returned from work early to take care of little Alba. Papa and Alba spent the whole afternoon playing, smiling, playing, laughing...

Unfortunately little Alba's movements are too quick now, and as can be seen in the photo below, Papa Ngai could only manage a blurry photo while trying to track Alba's moving head!

Happy 6 months Birthday

by Mama Ngai Sunday, May 06, 2012


by Mama Ngai Saturday, May 05, 2012



by Mama Ngai Tuesday, May 01, 2012

你確實是一個開心果, 一個HAPPY BABY, 隨時隨刻都輕易找到你的笑臉!

睡覺時你會甜笑, 甚至笑出聲。

有時你只要望著我和爸爸對話, 也可以自己一直笑, 如果我們刻意逗你笑, 你便興奮得大叫大笑!

你爸和你媽最愛你笑了, 你開心, 我倆更開心。

你爸今天問你媽: 她是否輕度弱智呀?為何整天傻笑?


他又問: 如果她真的輕度弱智, 你還會愛她嗎?

你媽聽也不用想, 快答:當然愛啦!我最愛就是ALBA!她是怎麼樣我也愛她的啦~

(當然, 你媽最想你健健康康, 快快樂樂地成長, 痛苦疾病離你有多遠就有多遠。)


今天帶你到parramatta community health centre 做六個月檢查,快六個月的你:

身高: 65.5cm

體重: 7.5cm

頭圍: 41.5cm

你的身高和體重回到50, 50﹣75, 頭就小一點, 只有25, 哈哈!你媽一直以為你是個大頭妹, 原來剛好相反!:P 至於其他發展方面, 你不是那麼愛動(只愛動你的咀), 姑娘說BIG BABY是發展較遲, 其實媽一點也不擔心, 你爸BABY的時候也是動也不動的, 現在卻像馬騮一般愛動。最大問題是.....你的皮膚乾極了, 肚皮上和背上都是重災區, 媽要勤一點幫你搽膏啦~


P.S.媽一邊打這篇日記, 你在床罅發現我, 我向你笑一笑, 你回我一笑,我又向你笑一笑, 你又回我一笑,如是者四五次, 媽繼續打字, 沒多久再看你, 你又安靜的入睡了。 你媽愛死你了!


Alba Ngai


by Mama Ngai Sunday, April 29, 2012



Alba Ngai

Birkenhead point

by Mama Ngai Saturday, April 28, 2012

今日和你到Birkenhead point outlet 逛街。 Alba著新衫超可愛喔!


by Mama Ngai Friday, April 27, 2012
Mothers group取消了,媽媽見有時間,不如申請這個West Ryde library 的membership, 誰知職員問我是替自己還是你申請,我問BB也可以嗎?就這樣,你有了人生中第一張圖書証。


by Mama Ngai Thursday, April 26, 2012



Alba Ngai